Creativity is fed by creation.

Repetition - Create // share // sustain.

A wise mentor once told me that wherever you are there are always ten great photographs within ten feet of you. Cameraphones are really one of the greatest sketch tools for the modern photographer. Always having it with me let’s me constantly have the chance to experiment with lines & composition. Creativity is fed by the mere act of creation, stuck in a creative rut? Just get out and start making something, pictures, drawings, movies, songs, mashed potato faces, whatever. Create/Share/Sustain.
As I’m on the road again today I’m enjoying just wandering around with the iPhone, making pictures. I thought I’d see what interesting images I could make from my hotel room. Here’s a fun little repetition of form, the other shots may make it on here over the next day or so, depends how the shoot goes tomorrow.
So quit your moaning that there isn’t anything to make photographs of, just lighten up & shoot, go create.

Still looking for inspiration? Well okay, here’s a little something to blow your mind – linky

Stop waiting to be given that perfect assignment

“Stop waiting around to be given that dream assignment, give yourself that dream shoot” Penny De Los Santos

Basically something I’ve been thinking about of late, stop hanging around moaning that no one is hiring you to shoot the stuff you want to shoot. Get out there, set it up yourself and shoot it. Nike aren’t going to hire you to shoot their next campaign if all that is in your portfolio are pictures of puppies & rainbows.
Check out Penny’s great foodie images here