Alternate Effects

Alternate Effects, originally uploaded by bang*.

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Yeah my studio playlist really is a little bit of a rollercoaster.
We have Rock ‘n’ Roll Ray Charles on the left and somber, emotive classical with Max Richter on the right.
Got to keep them guessing.

Kris D @ Nemesis Manchester

Mark Ivkovic.

Leica M8.2
40mm f2 Summicron (left f/5.6, right f/2)


Just going to check if folk want to know the tech details of shots or not, If I leave them out I always end up getting email asking how I light stuff but I’m not really sure it helps too much.

5 thoughts on “Alternate Effects

  1. yes please, mr. Ivkovic! keep the tech-stuff coming…
    as a self-taught (and still learining) photographer, I always appreciate a little tech-spec-info on the shots and blogs I watch. If I ever get into lighting, I’d love to go back to some shots of my contacts and have a look at the methods they use.

    • Yeah it’s grown on me over the last couple of weeks. For location stuff it’s really really good, for studio stuff it’s not really doing it for me. Even with my edits to the presets I can’t seem to get good colours when using photographs taken with studio lights.
      Patrick your photo comments on your latest post gave me a giggle, bravo sir.

  2. Okay then the lighting run down shall remain.
    Quick heads up that the shot on the right has been granted access to the Leica Masters Gallery –

    Lighting for that one is simple – window to the outside. (see told you it was simple)

    For the shot on the left – Back with the big shoot through brolly on the Bowens, 45 degrees (ish) to subject and middle of brolly just higher than subject (height-wise).

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