There is no cake

There is no cake, originally uploaded by bang*.

Day 197 / 365

So another little sight from my recent travels whilst working. This just reminded me of a certain little something which has brought a smile to many a face. A certain couple of friends should get where I’m coming from with this one, this one’s for you guys. You have no idea how much I want to find one I can call “I’m in space!” to complete the set.

iPhone – Camera+

So that’s me up to date apart from todays shot, I might actually get out with a “real” camera today although it’s pouring with rain at the moment so we’ll have to see about that. Next week I’m back into the thick of it with five loooong days of repetitive shooting, the kind that crushes the creative within. However it pays the bills and gives me the freedom to be able to work on some of my personal projects, so it isn’t all bad. Hopefully I’ll be able to find something interesting to photograph for this project somewhere in the week. If not, I fear it’ll be more iphone shots of signs.

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